Monday, September 6, 2010


This week we are exploring angles. We have looked at angles around us, there are obtuse, acute, straight and right angles.


  1. today we studied angles,the way we remember is a full torn is a 360 and a half turn is a 180
    Pierce B

  2. Yesterday i was sick i dont know if i will feel good today if not please put some work on the blog.I looked at your angles it was fantastic I wish I was there.good luck on our blogging. from CODY

  3. Hi Guys,
    This Sunday night coming, on the channel 7 show Sunday Night they are doing a piece on the harvesting of palm oil and elephants. I image it is the same for the orangatangs. Might be worth a watch.
    Cheers Tracey

  4. Hi year 3 and Miss S
    I am at singleton primary. It is a bit bigger than St Joes and they have heaps more classrooms. Your angle lesson looks great Miss S, you guys used the same circles as we did in year 2/3 but we looked at fractions.I am missing all of you and hoping that you are all practising hard for your assembly, oh and looking after Miss S. Have a great week and I will be checking up on you every now and again in the next few weeks.
    love yas Mrs Lee :0

  5. Hi Mrs Lee, We hope your first 2 days at School have went well. We miss you already, especially during assembly practice. We will speak to you soon. Luv Year 3

  6. Hi Cody, We hope you are feeling better and will be back at school soon. Today we worked on angles again we can't wait to show you what we have done, so you can make some too. We didn't use laptops today but hope to use them later in the week. Get well soon, Year 3 :)

  7. Hi Mrs B, thanks for letting us know about the palm oil programme, we will try and tape it so we can watch it togther on monday. Year 3 :)

  8. Today was the year 1's assembly. It was cool they did a italin song and they did a very good job of singing italin. from Rachael.

  9. Today we made fairy bread with miss s.It was very fun we had to eat it at recess.It was so yummy i had to eat it.

  10. Congrats to Jake for his merit certificate, wish I had come in.

  11. Hey hope you enjoy our blog i love it
    by Jeri

  12. hello its joel i got into the inter shcool carnival but only on the team games.
