Thursday, May 3, 2012

Week 2.

This week we got to measure in maths stations. I estimated and used tape measures and a trundle wheel to measure with. I measured things like a keypad, the smartboard which was 1m and 5cm long and the length of the room, from door to door. Unfortunately Alex and I missed todays lesson because we were taking photos of students but I found out it was about cm, mm and half of a cm like 55 cm.
 from Noah.

Today the Year Fours did a Haiku poem for mothers day there was great words that explain our mums. Then we did Bluearth, to start we played paper, scissors, rock. If you get tagged you need to lie down like paper and some one jumps over you.  If you get tagged twice you stand up and open your legs and someone goes under your legs. Then if you get tagged three times you make like a rock and to be saved someone goes over you. After that we played Pacman there was three ghost and the rest of the class were Pacmen if you got tagged to get back in the game, another pacman and you have to do a dance move together.
From Isaac

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