Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fruits of the Holy Spirit

We have been focusing on the Fruits of the Holy Spirit throughout our school. So far we have looked at Kindness, Self Contol and Faithfulness. We write leaves to people who show these gifts.


  1. This week we are learning about faithfulness
    and we are learning about oregutanings this term.

    by jessica

  2. This term we are learning about orangutans and is why we are doing dioramas it is cool we have done some today. today we are doing long jump and throghs it is cool i came 4th in throghs jeri came 1st jess came 2nd and shayla came 3rd it was so awsome.
    From Rachael

  3. Fruits of the Holy Spirit : I liked the idea for friends to write on the leaves, with a message of the way they worked good. from marion

  4. On wednesday we i am going to interschool with some of my class mates i am scared to run agantist lots of different schools. from rachael

  5. This week on thursday we are going to do our own newspappers about orangutans i am doing our assembly i realy like it. From dylan

  6. today we did our assembly on the orang-utans. I gave my brochure to my mum and we raised $257.35. we dressed up as a orangutan, after we did our assembly we had a auction for our art to raise money to adopt an orangutan.
